Slovakia born producer Richard Scholtz first fell in Love withelectronic music at the age of 15 years old. From time to timehe couldn’t get enough of just playing the music, so at theage of about 17 he touched the music software for the firsttime. His first experience dates back to 2007 when hemoved to Dublin from his homecountry, so he started to thinkabout the music more seriously. Of the End of 2011 RichardReleased his first debut album “Hair Doesn’t Care EP” onSoluble Recordings.

Four days after, his track “Universal House” reached thechart T OP 10 Must hear Tracks in Deep House on Beatport.His Respect on the Deep House music scene is growingand other releases follow on Labels such as Look AheadRecords, which is in charge of Karol XVII & MB Valence,Dark Pleasure Records which is in Control of Sezer Uysalbut he never forgets about Labels (Soluble, Seta, Sajgon)that brought him a success on his way of production. In turnof 2012/2013 Richard also starts with Tech-House music,and his Deep sounds are getting more dynamic sound too.Richard has been inspired by producenrs such as KennyGround,LondonGround,Alex Costa,Fabian Argomedo,GregorTresher,Tony Guerra,and many more. He maintains applyinghis skills day after day in his Deep/Tech production and isready to keep on creating Underground Dance scene.